Thursday, October 28, 2010

To Beard, or Not to Beard

I haven't shaved for about 2 weeks now, and I've got a decent amount of facial hair. I've been growing it out for a production I'm going to be in for Christmas. But I just found out that the decision to have us in facial hair has been revoked. Now they're telling us that we CAN'T wear facial hair for the performance.

So that leaves me with the dilemma: what should I do with my facial hair now that I have it? I wondered about whether or not to celebrate Movember, but decided I will want to shave LONG before the end of November. Instead, I think I'll trim my face down for a Halloween costume and shave it all off after that. But I don't know what I want to dress as for Halloween anymore. I was going to be a werewolf, but I had a bad experience with the costume at Monday's Halloween dance. The hair kept getting all in my eyes, nose, and mouth - and when I went to wipe it away, the hair on my face kept tickling me. Also, I found myself "shedding" within 2 hours." Here's a picture of me at the end of the night:
So I want to be something else. Problem is, I don't know what. What costumes can you think of that would incorporate some facial hair? Also, what should I shave off first? Should I get a good picture of myself with a child molester porn-stache? or should I sport the Brigham chinstrap? Knowing that it'll only last a day or two, I'm willing to go crazy with it. So please! Tell me your thoughts!


Chism said...

Ideas that come to mind would be a magician, Abe Lincoln, and a caveman.

Also with a few additions of items your wolfman costume could be a tree logger costume!

REIDA said...