So that leaves me with the dilemma: what should I do with my facial hair now that I have it? I wondered about whether or not to celebrate Movember, but decided I will want to shave LONG before the end of November. Instead, I think I'll trim my face down for a Halloween costume and shave it all off after that. But I don't know what I want to dress as for Halloween anymore. I was going to be a werewolf, but I had a bad experience with the costume at Monday's Halloween dance. The hair kept getting all in my eyes, nose, and mouth - and when I went to wipe it away, the hair on my face kept tickling me. Also, I found myself "shedding" within 2 hours." Here's a picture of me at the end of the night:
So I want to be something else. Problem is, I don't know what. What costumes can you think of that would incorporate some facial hair? Also, what should I shave off first? Should I get a good picture of myself with a child molester porn-stache? or should I sport the Brigham chinstrap? Knowing that it'll only last a day or two, I'm willing to go crazy with it. So please! Tell me your thoughts!