Friday, December 3, 2010

Am I The Only One...

...who finds going to the dentist relaxing? I have to focus to stay awake during my appointments. I think this is why it's so relaxing to me:
1) Nice, comfortable chair to lay down in
2) Soft, soothing music in a quiet atmosphere
3) During cleanings, the polisher gently vibrates your head, while massaging your gums
4) You're tasked with doing nothing except keeping your mouth open. I think it's one of the only times I ever have nothing to do.
5) Even when you're having work done on your teeth, modern anesthetics make it so that you feel virtually nothing.

Yep, I've almost fallen asleep at the dentist's several times - without the aid of laughing gas. Anyone else have this kind of experience at the dentist?


Unknown said...

ha! absolutely not. I am so tense the whole time, concentrating on breathing, my jaw is sore from opening so long and so tensely, and even though I don't feel pain, the pressure tricks me and makes me nervous.

but you are awesome for being so relaxed.

Deven said...

You're not the only one. I also find the dentist's relaxing. Another thing that makes it great is atleast at my dentist's office the same lady cleans my teeth every time and I get to catch up with her on whats going on in her life and family and she mine. I almost look foward to the trip.

Hertha Gearin said...

It all comes down to perspective, really. A person with clean and healthy teeth has no reason to fear a dental appointment. As for the people with toothaches and cavities, it's important to feel relaxed to make the whole thing less uncomfortable.