Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Hey everybody. Many of you probably don't know this, but I choreographed a dance number for Nunsense this summer. It's playing at the Murray amphitheater (in Murray Park) on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday of this week and next week. That's right, the show opens tonight! So if you get a chance, head over to Murray Park and check it out. I choreographed the Act I finale (Tackle that Temptation with a Timestep). But you should also go to see my friends Larissa and Leah perform.


David said...

I love that show! I was in Nuncrckers (the Christmas Nunsense Musical) in high school and had a blast! Good for you for choreographing that!

Larissa said...

Jon! Way to shout out! My co-worker came last night and she said "that lady who plays Amnesia sure can tap dance." If we'd have had more time, I would fall into that category too:-) I can do all the moves perfectly except that darned shuffle off to buffalo - darn my tap teacher who refused to teach me the cliche move! Anyway - we did great and are looking forward to you coming to see it!!!!!!

Shayla said...

good job on the choreography!