So I've decided that I don't blog often enough because I can't think of things to say, am waiting to upload pictures, or just sometimes don't care. I know the disappointment that comes when you go to someone's blog and nothing has been updated. So I think it may be time to start a blog series or two. I've seen some pretty fun blog series other people have done. And I think if I had a repeating subject, it would make it easier to update the blog once in a while when I otherwise wouldn't be posting anything.
And since you are my loyal readers, I figure there might be something you are more interested in reading on my blog. So what kind of blog series should I start? I may start a couple, depending on if I really want to write a series on any particular subject. But please give me your input. Vote on the poll to the side----> and feel free to add comments if there's anything else you'd like to suggest.
Okay, several of these ideas are stolen from other blogs. So what?
4 years ago